Automatic Tuning of the (1+1)-ES

Consider the following situation: The user has created a working directory for running the experiments, say MyJavaExperiments. This directory contains the following files.

R is started in the working directory. The following command starts SPOT's automatic tuning procedure.

> library(SPOT)
> spot("java0.conf")
Sometimes is it required to start a clean R session, because data from previous runs are in the workspace. Execute
to perform a cleanup before SPOT is loaded and run.

The output from Fig. 1 is shown by default during the tuning process.

Figure 1: Default output during the optimization run 

The tuning process terminates with the following output:

Best solution found with 507 evaluations:
0.1029542  0.445661 1.050709   72     5    110

A short summary is also shown:

       y             SIGMANULL           VARA            VARG     
 Min.   :0.01184   Min.   :0.1035   Min.   :1.023   Min.   : 3.0  
 1st Qu.:0.11606   1st Qu.:0.2885   1st Qu.:1.064   1st Qu.:18.0  
 Median :0.19034   Median :0.4112   Median :1.096   Median :50.0  
 Mean   :0.25662   Mean   :0.6167   Mean   :1.118   Mean   :43.7  
 3rd Qu.:0.31951   3rd Qu.:0.7337   3rd Qu.:1.145   3rd Qu.:64.0  
 Max.   :1.68859   Max.   :4.5725   Max.   :1.984   Max.   :98.0

A result file (RES), which contains important information from the tuning process, has been written to the working directory. It can be downloaded as java0.res from the workshop's web page.

bartz 2010-07-08