Modifications of the APD file for the meta mode

In general, it is not necessary to modify the APD file for the META mode. However, here we are facing a special situation, because we are modifying the problem dimension $n$. These variations of the $n$ values require an update of the specification of the starting point xp0 of the (1+1)-ES. A ten dimensional problem requires a ten dimensional starting point, whereas a hundred dimensional problem requires a hundred dimensional starting point. Therefore, a few lines of code were added to the interfacing procedure of the (1+1)-ES:
if(length(xp0) != n){
elem <- xp0[[1]]
xp0 <- pa...
xp0 <- paste(xp0, '']'','''', sep='''')
The setting of the starting point xp0 in the APD file is modified accordingly. Now, we use xp0 = 1.0 instead of
xp0 = "[1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0]" which gives more flexibility. This new setting can be used for any dimension. The modified APD file is shown in Sect. 3.5.3.

bartz 2010-08-24