@echo off rem rem Custom-Clothing.CMD rem Changes the custom_mirrors.lst to point to my custom-clothing server. rem Copyright 2009-2011 by Sir Odie rem Thanks to Korrode for an idea to make this much easier to use and SolarStar for another hint! rem cls for /f "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal"') do set mydoc=%%b cd /d "%mydoc%\eternal lands" if exist custom cd custom if exist custom_files.lst del /F /Q custom_files.lst cd /d "%mydoc%\eternal lands" if exist custom_mirrors.lst attrib -r -h -s custom_mirrors.lst echo www2.gm.fh-koeln.de> custom_mirrors.lst echo If there are no errors displayed Custom-Clothing should work now. echo Type #update in-game and after some time you should see people wearing 'new' clothes... pause