Choosing an Alternative Report Function

The user can change the name of the default report function in the CONF file, e.g., java0.conf. SPOT options are summarized in the spotGetOptions file. The variable report.func has the default value spotReportDefault.

Table 7 summarizes report plugins from the current SPOT version (0.1.888). The command spotVersion() displays the actual version of your local SPOT package.

spotReportDefault determines a regression tree, because it is quite robust and can handle categorical and numerical values.

Table 7: SPOT report plugins
Type & Name of th... & {\tt spotPredictSens} & {\tt random forest}\\

These plugins should be considered as templates. They were implemented in order to demonstrate how the interfaces should look like. We strongly recommend an adaptation of these plugins to your specific needs.


bartz 2010-07-08